By Arielle Cheuk

This piece was inspired by the artwork of Yuribi, who has done illustrations for the Asian drama, Love Alarm. It is a collection of Arielle’s feelings during a time where she continuously questioned herself in hopes of defining who she is. All characteristics that inspired this artwork happened to source from countries in Asia that have bad history with each other yet can exist peacefully in this limbo-like world.
Everyone and anyone has creative abilities, they just have to find the right media and reason to make it. Arielle is creatively Asian because her art is a reflection of herself, her culture, and her experiences.Being half Asian has led to hardships surrounding her questioning of her own identity but it has also allowed her to maintain a balanced belief system. There is still a lot of present racism against Asian people that she experiences in her everyday life which is why she strongly supports this platform and includes her love for many cultures through her art.
Written by Joyce Hong. Graphics by Jasmine Nguyen.