Thank you to everyone that took part in our Youtube livestream, and a special thank you to everyone who attended and donated! Be on the lookout for more ways to help Creatively Asian fundraise in the future! 🦋
From photography to song, Creatively Asian’s first ever Youtube livestream gathered 14 participants all across the United States! Every participant was absolutely incredible, and Creatively Asian cannot wait to see where your talents and creativity take you! much did this livestream make? With the help of 12 individuals, Creatively Asian was able to raise $220.80 for UNICEF. THAT’S AMAZING! Thank you so much for all of your help, it couldn’t have been possible without all of you.
Be sure to stay tuned for future fundraiser announcements! They will be coming soon, and we hope you all will help us with those as well!
Click here to watch the stream!
Written by Emily Hoyumpa. Graphics by Haley Ma. Click here to see the original post!